Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability

Being a trusted supplier is critically important to us. Our integrity is demonstrated throughout our business operations and is manifest in the strength of our long-lasting partnerships. Upholding the trust that customers and society places in us drives us to be entirely transparent and enforces compliance with all appropriate internal rules, laws and regulations, and to realise a sustainable society through initiatives that cover the three pillars of ESG: Environment, Social and Governance.

Sharp ECO Vision

The recent joint venture between NEC and Sharp transfers the Sharp/NEC business under the umbrella of the Sharp Corporation, strengthening our drive forward with a clear vision for the future.

40% reduction by 2030

60% reduction by 2035

net zero by 2050

High Quality for Durability

Through our commitment to high quality product design and manufacture, our products last longer, providing fit-for-purpose performance over an extended lifecycle.

  • Our products are trusted for long lasting reliability
  • High quality components and Japanese engineering standards
  • Use of metal for the major structural components supports longevity and protects heat sensitive electronics

Reduce Energy Use

Recognising that more than 80% of the CO2 footprint of a display is created during usage, improving energy efficiency is key to reducing the impact on the environment.

  • Inbuilt energy saving pre-sets and functionality extend the lifecycle and minimise power consumption
  • The human presence sensor saves over 30% CO2 consumption
  • Brightness sensors optimise display settings according to the ambient light
  • Centralised management and control of the campus-wide digital estate (NaviSet Administrator 2)
  • Driving innovation in energy efficient products (eg FlipChip LED and ePaper)

Reduce Waste

Without compromising our high standards of customer service and the protection of products during shipment, we continually seek ways to minimise wastage across all our operations.

  • The longer the lifecycle the less we consume reducing waste and conserving resources
  • Optimised packaging and shipping reduce waste and results in 35% less CO2
  • Embedded modular design means additional hardware is not required, reducing e-waste
  • New projectors utilise legacy lenses and mounting infrastructure

Reuse and Repair

Our commitment to quality is demonstrated by our consistently low failure rate, one of the best in the industry. Outdated displays can be repurposed elsewhere to continue to give excellent performance.

  • Open modular design allows computing to be upgraded as needs change
  • Comprehensive pan-European and Global service programs
  • World-wide network of regional service centres minimises shipment
  • Stocks held of spare same-batch LED pixel cards


By utilising materials which are recyclable or are already recycled, we are prioritising sustainable waste management even as we design new products.

  • Our large format displays are 97.4% recyclable, a remarkable achievement
  • Use of metal as the major structural component feeds the circular economy
  • Use of recycled and recyclable packaging
  • We use screws, rather than glue, supporting both serviceability and recyclability

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR strategy is designed to ensure that we give back as much as possible and have a positive impact on our people, the environment, our chosen charities and the community around us.

  • Strengthen risk management and enforce compliance
  • Contribute to solving social issues through business activities
  • Promote communications with stakeholders

Learn more about the practical steps we are taking in our drive toward a carbon neutral future:
A Lasting Vision